White Paper: Top 5 Salesforce integration patterns
Learn about the top five strategies developers use to integrate into Salesforce and how Lingk offers the same integration patterns at a fraction of the cost.
Lingk Earns Ed-Fi API Consumer Badge
Lingk demonstrates its leadership in education industry interoperability by earning the prestigious Ed-Fi API Consumer Badge from the Ed-Fi Alliance.
Automating Anthology & Salesforce Integration
Time saving automations between Anthology Student and Salesforce to streamline processes for administration, staff and students.
How to import data into Salesforce
Learn how to choose the right data loading solution for each of your Salesforce projects and the pros and cons of top solutions.
Helping institutions work smarter through CRM automation
Element451 and Lingk are partnering to empower Administrative and IT staff to work seamlessly between their smart CRM and SIS.